THE POISE PROJECT: alexander technique for the 21st century

  THE POISE PROJECT 2023 Timeline

 THE POISE PROJECT 2022 Timeline


 THE POISE PROJECT 2020 Timeline







WE ARE PROUD OF OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN 2024 - Our ninth year of activity!

Please support us with a Donation! Click HERE

2024 Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Mirza M, Trimboli C, Hartman J, Gamble A, Rfat M, Bentley J, Gross M, Alheresh R, Hussein Q, Markos T. Examining Barriers to Rehabilitation and Addressing Rehabilitation Needs among Persons with Forced Migration Experiences: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2024 May 17:S0003-9993(24)00990-0. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2024.05.002. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38763346.

January 2024

  • National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Council meeting

    • Participated in virtual council meeting of the NIH’s NCCIH Council.

  • Parkinson’s British Columbia Brain Wellness

  • Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART)

    • Attended the Subjective Cognitive Disorders Professional Interest Area (PIA) group meeting reviewing new information and research from 2023. January 24

    • Attended the Cognition Professional Interest Area (PIA) group meeting reviewing new information and research from 2023.
      January 25

  • Parkinson’s & Movement Disorders Alliance (PMD Alliance)

    • Webinar on new data about cognitive decline and Parkinson’s disease.

  • German Research Team Meeting

    • Supporting a team of teachers in Germany developing a research project about AT for Dystonia.

February 2024

  • 5th Pan American Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Congress
    Cartegena Colombia, February 9-11, 2024

    • Attended three-day in person conference. Presented research poster “Importance of informal care partner participation in interventions for people living with Parkinson’s disease”. Poster was selected for a special Poster Tour, and an oral presentation was delivered. Had a team that exhibited at a nonprofit table. Conference was attended by 560 delegates from 29 countries. TEAM~ Monika Gross, Anna Furman, and Clara Sandler

  • “Partnering with Poise: Caring for the Care Partner” workshop curriculum training

    • Led a four-day training for two instructors in how to deliver The Poise Project’s four-lesson evidence-based workshop curriculum for family care partners.

  • ACRM Athlete Development & Sports Rehabilitation Networking Group

    • Continued work on an active review of research literature focused on team sports participation’s impact on academic achievement and psychosocial wellbeing.

March 2024

  • Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation

    • Attended webinar on peer mentoring for people living with paralysis and their families. March 13

    • Attended webinar on Mothering with Paralysis. March 20

  • Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

    • Attended webinar on Lewy Body dementia. March 14

  • American Society for the Alexander Technique

    • Attended member meeting on Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, Belonging, and Accessibility. March 14

  • National Institute of Mental Health

    • Attended full day 75th Anniversary online conference: “Amplifying Voices”. March 18

  • National Institutes of Health Office of Behavioral & Social Science Research

    • Attended webinar: “Lessons from the Pandemic: Social Connection”. March 19

  • Parkinson’s Community Los Angeles (PCLA)

    • Attended webinar with Ray Dorsey: “Environmental Risk Factors for PD”. March 21

  • Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART)

    • Attended webinar on inclusive recruitment. March 22

  • The Developing Self UK

    • Attended webinar on Emotional Intelligence Training. March 24

April 2024

  • The Poise Project Boston/Providence Regional Project

    • Launched a 2024 regional effort to bring AT programming to the Boston/Providence area. Multiple meetings via Zoom with local AT professionals.

  • The Poise Project United Kingdom International Project

    • Launched a 2024 national effort to bring AT programming in the United Kingdom. Multiple meetings via Zoom with UK AT professionals.

  • Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART)

    • Attended two-day virtual conference: “Latinos and Alzhemer’s Symposium”. April 4 & 5

  • Western North Carolina Early Childhood Coaltion

    • Attended virtual local meeting with updates on efforts that the WNC ECC has been engaged in and opportunities for connection.

  • American Society for the Alexander Technique: Huddle Presentation: April 21

    • Monika Gross gave a virtual presentation at the AmSAT Huddle: “Find a Colleague and Start Your Own Local Alexander Technique Nonprofit”.

May 2024

  • Asynchronous Alexander Technique for Parkinson’s Basic Training Course

    • Met with 3 AT teachers who had taken The Poise Project asynchronous AT for Parkinson’s Basic Training Course for questions and discussion and mentoring.

  • “Partnering with Poise: Caring for the Care Partner” workshop curriculum training
    Boston MA

    • Led a four-day training in Boston in how to deliver The Poise Project’s four-lesson evidence-based workshop curriculum for family care partners. Part of The Poise Project’s 2024 Boston/Providence Regional Project.

  • “Poised for Parkinson’s: Manage Balance, Walking & Freezing” workshop curriculum training
    Boston MA

    • Led a four-day training in Boston in how to deliver The Poise Project’s four-lesson evidence-based workshop curriculum for people living with Parkinson’s and their families. Part of The Poise Project’s 2024 Boston/Providence Regional Project.

  • Alzheimer’s Foundation of America “Educating America Tour: Salt Lake City Alzheimer’s & Caregiver Conference, May 15
    Salt Lake City UT,

    • The Poise Project had an AFA Member Nonprofit exhibit table and team presence with Chandler Vaccaro who advocated to care partners and people living with dementia about Alexander technique services, including the “Partnering with Poise” program. Contact information for care partners was gathered for our next courses, and professional contacts made with speakers and other exhibitors.

June 2024

  • Parkinson's Foundation Moving Day® event, June 1
    Portland Maine

    • TEAM - Hope Gillerman, Tae Hyoung Kim & Witold Fitz-Simmons

    • The Poise Project informed the local Parkinson's communities about AT at Moving Day® events around the country. Table with handout materials and Alexander mini-lesson "Poise Tune Ups". Took photos for The Poise Project Tip Card "Takeaways" project

  • “Poised for Parkinson’s: Manage Balance, Walking & Freezing” workshop curriculum training, June 5-9
    London UK

    • Led a five-day training in London in how to deliver The Poise Project’s four-lesson evidence-based workshop curriculum for people living with Parkinson’s and their families. Included two public workshop days with 13 people living with Parkinson’s and their care partners attending as part of the teacher training supervision. Part of The Poise Project’s 2024 United Kingdom International Project.

  • King’s College Student Mental Health Conference, June 10-12
    London UK

    • TEAM~ Monika Gross & Judith Kleinman

    • A collaboration between The Poise Project and The Developing Self UK. We attended a three-day in person conference. Presented workshop/presentation: “Embodied Agency: An introduction to Alexander technique as a student mental health intervention”. The workshop included a 25 minute didactic presentation with research and background on AT, and 45 minutes of experiential activity with time for Q&A afterwards. Many excellent connections made with university mental health professionals and charities, with interest in following up with possible feasibility trials of AT programming. Conference was attended by 130 professionals in the mental health field, both researchers and clinicians.

  • Alzheimer’s Foundation of America “Educating America Tour: Boston Alzheimer’s & Caregiver Conference, June 12
    Boston MA.

    • The Poise Project had an AFA Member Nonprofit exhibit table and team presence with Hope Gillerman and Anna Furman to advocate to care partners and people living with dementia about Alexander technique programs, including the “Partnering with Poise” program. Contact information for care partners was gathered for our next courses, and professional contacts made with speakers and other exhibitors.

  • ACRM Stroke Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group Movement Interventions Task Force, June 12

    • Monika Gross gave a well-received virtual 45 minute presentation with Q&A on the Information/Education Page she co-authored that was published in the Archives of Rehabilitation Medicine.

      • Gopaul, U., Ogawa, E. F., Zanwar, P. P., Omar, Z. B., Sood, P., & Gross, M. (2023). What do I Need to Know About Home and Community-Based Physical Activity and Exercise After My Stroke?. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, S0003-9993(23)00649-4. Published:December 15, 2023.

  • London Centre for Alexander Technique Training (LCATT) Lecture, June 13

    • Monika Gross attended a presentation by Ellen Casey on her thesis research at the Royal College of Music, Exploring the perceived impact of extensive training in the Alexander technique on the day-to-day lives of professional musicians.

  • “Partnering with Poise: Caring for the Care Partner” workshop curriculum training, June 14-18
    London UK

    • Led a five-day training in London in how to deliver The Poise Project’s four-lesson evidence-based workshop curriculum for care partners of people living with longterm care needs. Included two public workshop days with some family and therapeutic professional care partner’s attending as part of the teacher training supervision. Part of The Poise Project’s 2024 United Kingdom International Project.

July 2024

  • How to teach The Poise Project curriculum via Zoom June 24, July 1, 8, 10 & 25

    • Led a five-day training online for two AT teachers in how to deliver The Poise Project’s workshop curriculum effectively online via Zoom. Part of The Poise Project’s 2024 Boston/Providence Regional Project.

August 2024

September 2024

October 2024

November 2024

December 2024

Throughout 2024

  • The Developing Self USA

    • Meetings during the year with US team members of the US working group, a branch of The Developing Self UK, on the ongoing project to bring AT-related curriculum to children and youth in primary, secondary, and tertiary school settings. Also continued with ongoing WhatsApp and Zoom meetings with The Developing Self UK project.

  • International Somatic Movement Education & Therapy Association (ISMETA)

    • Attended monthly international Somatic Cafés and Community Connect meetings throughout the year with somatic movement educator and therapist colleagues on a variety of subjects, including addressing gaps in Accessibility in Somatics.

  • Monthly Meetings of the American Congress for Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Special Interest, Networking, & Taskforce Groups

    • Monika Gross is an active participant in ACRM special interest groups, representing Alexander technique to allied health professionals involved in clinical rehab research and practice, and working on articles and other team projects.

      • Aging Research & Geriatric Rehabilitation NG

      • Aging Research & Geriatric Rehabilitation NG Cognition in Aging TF

      • Athlete Development & Sports Rehab NG

      • Arts & Neuroscience NG

      • Arts & Neuroscience NG Executive Committee

      • Brain Injury Interdisciplinary SIG Cognitive Rehabilitation TF

      • Brain Injury Interdisciplinary SIG Culture & Diversity in TBI TF

      • International ISIG - Refugee Empowerment TF

      • Military-Veterans Affairs NG Brain Injury Focus on Behavioral Health TF

      • Neurodegenerative Diseases NG

      • Neurodegenerative Diseases NG Leadership Committee

      • Neurodegenerative Diseases NG Parkinsonism & Related Movement Disorders TF

      • Neurodegenerative Diseases NG Alzheimer’s Disease TF

      • Stroke ISIG Movement Interventions TF

      • Pain Rehabilitation NG

      • Stroke ISIG Aphasia & Other Communications Disorders TF