An introduction to basic Alexander technique (AT) principles that can improve general functioning, increase confidence, and improve overall quality of life and can be applied during normal daily activities as well as during any exercise program.
For People Living with Parkinson's (PwP), as well as their broader Care Partner Team of spouses and other family members.
We regret that this 6 Februrary 2018 workshop is now at capacity.
However, we will be organising other workshops over the next few months.
If you would like to be notified when they are scheduled please CLICK ON THIS LINK
where you can fill in a workshop notification form.
We very much look forward to introducing you to the benefits of Alexander technique for people living with Parkinson's and their care partners!
For more information about AT for Parkinson's, go to:
AT for Parkinson's Active Learning Workshop in London UK
You are invited to an interactive afternoon where:
As a Person Living with Parkinson's (PwP) you can learn how to begin applying Alexander-based strategies to help improve your balance, alignment and movement, and prevent falls and "freezing."
As a Care Partner of a PwP you can learn how to begin applying Alexander-based strategies to help meet the day-to-day physical and emotional stresses of caregiving.
Our goal is to demonstrate how adaptive Alexander-based programs can show PwP how to actively choose and use functional patterns that promote optimal postural tone, empowering them to manage their physical symptoms, increasing their independence and enhancing their overall quality of life. Non-motor symptoms such as anxiety, fatigue and sleep interruption can also be addressed using AT principles.
This workshop also offers an opportunity for Alexander technique (AT) specialists who have completed a specialized training in working with PwP to have the opportunity to apply and practice their skills with feedback from workshop participants.
Contact Monika Gross at
Workshop Leaders: Monika Gross & Glenna Batson
MONIKA GROSS is the Executive Director of THE POISE PROJECT, an independent nonprofit created in 2016 in the USA for the sole purpose of bringing the principles of Alexander technique (AT) to a broader population. Our mission is maintaining natural poise throughout all stages and challenges of life. Monika presented the model for THE POISE PROJECT in a workshop in August 2015 at the 10th International Congress of the FM Alexander Technique at the University of Limerick in Ireland. Her strategic model draws on six years of research that grew out of her interest in facilitating broader access to the educational principles of AT through targeted initiatives, with "AT for Parkinson's" being the first.
Monika is a senior teacher of the Alexander technique, had her first AT lesson in 1976, and was certified in 1985. She taught in New York City for 25 years and in North Carolina since 2010. From 2011-12 she was on the faculty of the Hayes School of Music at Appalachian State University. Monika is a member of the Western North Carolina AT teacher consortium: Alexander Teachers of the Mountain Region (ATMR), is a teaching member of the American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT) and Alexander Technique International (ATI), and a Registered Somatic Movement Educator (RSME) with the International Somatic Movement Education & Therapy Association (ISMETA). Her particular passion is in preserving natural poise in children and youth.
Phone: (USA) 1-828-254-3102 (EST)
Skype: thepoiseproject
GLENNA BATSON, ScD., MA, M.AmSAT, M.ISATT is a Research Consultant for The Poise Project. Glenna is a graduate of Hahnemann Medical University in Physical Therapy. She holds a Masters in dance education and received her doctorate in clinical neurology in 2006. Glenna certified as an Alexander technique instructor in 1989. For twenty-two years, she was a professor of physiotherapy (Masters and Doctor of Science) in America for the North Carolina State University system, where she pioneered a number of research projects in integrative medicine, studying the effects on balance of these different complementary approaches: Alexander Technique and motor imagery for the community elderly and elite dancers, and improvisational dance for Parkinson’s disease. She is Professor Emeritus at Winston-Salem State University and Research Associate Professor in Health & Exercise Science at Wake Forest University. A Fulbright Senior Specialist, Glenna completed residencies in dance science and Somatics at Trinity-Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London, and the Universities of Tallinn and Tartu in Estonia. Her career has taken her down four intertwined paths: dance, body-mind education (Somatics), human movement science, and rehabilitation medicine. Seeing the art in science and the science in the arts, Glenna has written many articles to unify concepts from these distant disciplines as to ignite interest in the crossing tributaries of knowledge. In 2014, two of her books were published: Body and Mind in Motion: Dance and Neuroscience in Conversation and (as co-editor and contributor) Dance, Somatics and Spiritualities: Contemporary Sacred Narratives. Glenna has advocated for Alexander technique work for many years and has taught in over 13 countries worldwide. In 2015, she co-directed the 10th World Congress for the Alexander Technique at the University of Limerick in 2015. Glenna lives with her husband in Newbridge, Co. Kildaire, Ireland
Phone: +353 085 2549010 (GMT)